5 Elements To Include On Your Landing Page To Attract Your Ideal Audience

You have about 5 seconds to grasp the attention of your audience when they first get to your homepage. If it isn't visually appealing or they have no idea what you do, they will click off. 

Here are 5 crucial elements to include on your homepage to make sure they stay, click around and get excited about your biz!

What You Do

As soon as someone clicks on your website you want to make what you do front and center so your audience understands what your business is.

Who You Service

This helps people understand who you work with, so that if they fit under that category they will automatically have that connection.

For example, front and center on my website is "Brand styling and strategy for passion driven entrepreneurs" BOOM 2 birds, one stone!


Make your homepage visually appealing. Excite your audience and get them excited about working with you! Create branded graphics, banners and photos that go with your branding that differentiate yourself. 

Call To Action

After visiting your homepage, where do you want the to go? To your services, to your blog, to your contact page? Create buttons, images or links that go to these places to help them navigate your site!

Opt-In To Your Newsletter

Last, but certainly not least is an awesome opt-in that they can't refuse! Have it as a pop up so they can't miss it with the option to close out and then have it in at least two other places on your website. I have it in my blog sidebar as well as on the bottom of my homepage! 

Speak their language and think of them when posting or designing anything for your brand!

What are some elements that you include on your landing page that are important? 

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5 Key Signs It Is Time To Rebrand

Have you thought of rebranding your biz, but the thought of it seems daunting or you don't know where to start?

Branding is a process and you want to make sure you hire someone who is efficient and knowledgeable in that specific field. Read the post HERE about why you should hire a brand stylist

Here are 5 key signs it is time to rebrand:

Your brand doesn't speak to your vision or reflect who you are

Your vision has changed and the look of your business doesn't match the message you are trying to send. You may feel like there is a disconnect between the look of your business and your personality. You want your brand to have your personality shine through!

You switched gears in your biz

You may have switched industries, added new services or made some changes that need a new look or vibe. You want your branding to showcase what your business has to offer and have it make sense with what you do. 

It doesn't inspire you or your audience

When you look at your branding, do you get excited and inspired? If not, it is surely time to rebrand. If you aren't excited or inspired by your brand, your audience won't be either! You desire a killer image that your audience loves, so make it happen! 

You don't have a consistent look 

If you don't have a specific color palette, fonts or graphics you are at a disadvantage. You need these in order to create brand recognition among your audience. You want someone to come to your website or see a graphic and say yep that is definitely her! 

You want to be more unique and have a memorable brand

You want to stand out in your industry and have your audience remember your look and keep wanting more, right? Investing in brand styling and strategy is great to make sure your look is unique and have people fall in love with your business. 

If you are dealing with any of these set backs, this is your sign to make it happen and take that leap of faith! 

Are you ready to rebrand your biz and start gaining the right attention?